For two years, a rapist from Sheffield abused a “vulnerable teenage girl” who cannot be named for legal reasons.

Stephen Smith, 63, faced a 4 day trial at Sheffield Crown Court where the jury heard of his crimes. 

Detective Constable Stuart Gibbons told the court: “As part of Smith’s grooming, he plied the victim with alcohol and made lewd suggestions. Such was the impact of this prolonged exploitation that the victim sadly tried to commit suicide.

“This campaign of abuse culminated in Smith raping the victim. At this point, the victim courageously sought help from a relative who reported the abuse to police.”

Smith, from Foxhill, pled guilty to three counts of sexual assault and assault by penetration but denied rape. 

DC Gibbons praised the victim for being brave during the investigation, saying: “I wish to applaud the victim for the courage she has shown coming forward and throughout this process.

“This was a dreadful crime with horrific effects. Smith preyed on a vulnerable teenager and subjected her to a disgusting ordeal just to satisfy his perversions.”

He has been sentenced to 14 years in prison, will be on the sex offender register for life and will have a Sexual Harm Prevention Order in place to stop him associating with anyone under the age of 16.